Public Works & Utilities
Welcome to the Department of Public Works and Utilities. We hope that you find the information available here useful and beneficial. Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions or require some assistance. Thank you. Contact information: Public Works Director - Matt Gilles Public Works Asst Director - Mitch Gilbertson Fleet Manager - Denny Boigenzahn Public Works/Operator - Trevor Myers Public Works /Operator - Neal Passe Phone: (715) 672-8770 ext 4 Fax: (715) 672-8236
Water Utility
Quick Facts about the Durand Water Utility
For water testing contact: Davy Laboratories (608) 782-3130 website: Home - Davy Laboratories
Stormwater Utility
Created in September of 2010, the Stormwater Utility establishes rates based on impervious surface for all structures in the City of Durand. Prior to the creation of the utility, stormwater expenditures were funded through the General Fund Tax Levy.
In Case of an Emergency
In case of a utility emergency please use the number listed below: Emergency On-Call: (715) 672-3743 |